
"Re-architect banking around your customer"

In 2022 I joined the Digital Assist value stream in Backbase. Digital Assist is one of many different groups inside Backbase who work on separate but also integrally connected journeys.

Digital Assist focuses on bank and credit union employees and re-architecting their experience to empower them to support their customers in the fastest and easiest ways possible. By designing and testing various back office journeys to support and enhance a CSR (Customer Support Representative) with 1-2-1 features with their customers to solve any enquiry.

Let's explore some of the journeys

I've worked on a wide range of topics at Backbase, but here are some of the stand out journeys.


Timeline is a new journey taking audit data from around the company and correlating it into a human readable format.
View Timeline

User search

Finding the correct user is the most important step any bank employee can do. But how to you ensure you have the right John Smith?
View User search